2 Easy ways to access banned and unavailable websites and TOR browser

Internet is the informal term used for worldwide communication of computer networks.

Most of the people in the globe uses internet only for Education and Entertainment purposes.

BUT ...sometimes you cannot able access some of very good websites because either they were banned in your country or the site may not available for your country.

Access Banned websites :

1st method is :

  There is app called "Hola" .
   you can easily download it from "chrome web store" or click the link given below.
                                            hola app

 There is also an android app called hola you can download it from play store.

 Following is the proof of method : 
Here I'm trying to open www.hulu.com which is not available for my country. 
Below is the screen shot showing two browsers one with hola added extension other with not , you can easily see that a site called "hulu.com" which is only accessible in United states , i can access it while sitting in any other part of globe.

Browser doesn't having hola extension is not able to open that particular website , while one having hola installed within can easily able to open that particular website

2nd method is :

 Use or TOR browser 

  TOR stands for "The Onion Route" used mainly by Hackers because it provides complete anonymity while using Internet,but now days TOR browsers can also be traced. TOR browser bounces your IP address from one location to another which makes TOR browser tough to trace. You can also use this browser for accessing deep web and also websites which doesn't open in normal browsers can be accessed by using this browser.
For downloading TOR browser , click on the link given below :-



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